Friday, July 4, 2008

When Morning Comes

Well, Wednesday came. It was our ultrasound day. I can't say I was not nervous. Just the same, I knew that the Lord would hold us close no matter what the day would bring. We would bet through it, because we know the one who holds today and tomorrow. As I lay on that table, watching the tech, search for our baby, my heart nearly stopped, as I silently prayed for strength.

Oh, the joy that filled my heart, when the tech, found our sweet baby on the screen, and announced, "Congratulations, we have a heartbeat" Oh, "Praise the LORD", I said (and I meant just that). Our babies heart rate is just where it should be. The uterine bleed while still there is getting smaller. God is growing our little one, just as He sees fit. A beautiful blessing being knitted in Love, by the one who shaped the earth, heavens, and all that is in it.

I pray daily for both of my children on this earth. The blessing I hold within me, and the daughter who has stolen a part of her mothers heart.

May one day, my children, point others to Jesus. Please continue to pray. We praise the Lord, for what He is doing!!!!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Still on Bed Rest

I tell you, its not so easy with a three year old. This could continue the whole pregnancy (Lord willing, that would make it 7 more months. Nothing is tougher for me, than to not be able to play with my daughter like I'd like to, and to let the house chores go. But...there is a blessing in all this. In the quiet, in the still, there is God. When we stop...when we settle, and when we are still..and can do NOTHING on our own...there is God. When we have laid our Issac down, walked away knowing it was never in our hands to begin with...we will find the Savior who was there, from the beginning. Our relationship with him grows stronger, when we burrow in deep to His love. When we remember WHO is in control. When we give up the busy..and give in to the mercy and grace, and the wonder of HIM. May I use this time wisely. And when the bed rest is no longer needed..may I remember that the REST IN CHRIST..still is.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

When the wind blows

We (or should I say I) started experiencing some cramping, so I ran to the doctor...

They discovered that either my dates are off, or the pregnancy is not progressing as it should..
And I have a uterine bleed. This can dissolve on its own...or it could cause a miscarriage.
This baby means so very much to us, just as our daughter Lily does. We have no control over what happens...but I do know who does..the Lord. I don't understand why He does what He does..but I don't NEED to. I only need to TRUST, and to remember, when the wind blows, and if the cradle SHOULD fall...who holds us. He controls it all. The wind, my body, and this sweet baby that rests within me.

May WHATEVER happens..bring, Glory to God, and point others to Christ. Please pray for our family, and our sweet blessing in the process of being knitted.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Psssssssssst....I have a secret!!!!

I'm expecting a new blessing!!!!!!!! I can't tell you how excited I am. New little baby Sandlin is due in February. I am about six weeks along now. Feeling some what well, actually. We have wanted a new baby brother or sister for Lily for so long. Oh the blessings the Father has bestowed on our family. I've already hit the garage sales (I am addicted to them, and now with an excuse, mind you) for baby clothes. My mom and sister (THANKS GUYS!), bought me my preggo clothes at one the other day. i have something else to talk to you all (well, that is if anyone reads this, otherwise I'm talking to myself again) about!

Can you hear me now?

As I find myself back in the blogging swing (I've been busy lately)...I have to wonder..Does anybody read this? I really am wondering, if anybody knows I'm out there. I remember an episode of the twilight zone (I LOVE that show), where a man wakes up to be the last man on earth. I remember him saying...Hey, is Anybody OUT THERE??????...So, IS ANYBODY OUT THERE??????

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

When God takes us by Surprise.

Why is it, that when we ask the Lord for something, we are surprised when He blesses us with what we asked for (and sometimes beyond)?

For the last year, I have been bringing my petition before the Lord, to move, from our current apartment. Its about ready to fall over. The Lady upstairs bathroom floor is caving in. She would land in our bedroom if the floor gives way. I'm not sure who would be more horrified by the falling throne, Her, or us. I can see the headlines now. Woman crushed by falling toilet. Makes for a great headline, and maybe even a great epitaph on the tombstone....but not something I really want to try. The mice and the spiders, are now co-mingling, and they seem to be on a rise up against us. The mold is taking over my basement...and my kitchen sink broke. I have to tell you here, I am a bit of a neat freak. When we lived in a hotel room for a while, I would clean it, before the maids came. So, I am about ready to have a nervous break down here. Still I count my blessings for lights, a roof, and running water (Hey the potty in my bathroom seems stable).

We tried for a home loan but were denied. I was beginning to get down trodden and worry (you know, two things God says NOT to be). My Lily's asthma is getting worse here. The Lady above us in our apartment house, smokes more then our old car did. It filters down to us. I was tempted to put some "help" information in her mail box, but instead...I kept praying...and praying. I heard the Lord, say, "DO you STILL trust me?????" I said, "Yes, Lord, I don't understand, but I trust you".

Yesterday, I was thinking, of the choices we made, that landed us here. I have made some huge bad choices in the last six years. I was thinking, Lord, what are you still trying to teach me??? I know I brought some of this on myself....but PLEASE FATHER, PLEASE restore what the locust have eaten! If not, Lord, SHOW ME, what you want me to do!

Just then, the phone rang. It was a friend from our church. She was supposed to be out of state then but her flights were delayed for the storms we had. She said, I don't know WHY it's taken me so long to understand what God wants me to do, but I do now. The house is going to sit empty in July, would you John and Lily like to move in, when your cousin and wife leave at the end of July? All I want is the utilities paid, and the lawn done...never been smoked in, pretty little two bedroom. We can live there while she lives out of state (about two years I think) Of course I said, yes, and was overjoyed, and what the Lord has given us.

My cup is running over, over flowing. In the two years we live there, we will save so much money towards a home of our own. My little girl prays for a scooter and a puppy everyday. I know the same God, who heard my cry, and restored what I thought was lost, will one day answer her prayer too.

Sometimes the Lord, says, No....Sometimes He says, yes,...Sometimes, He says, Wait. And sometimes, in the silence, when we begin to wonder, if He is even Near, He is saying, "DO YOU TRUST ME, MY CHILD????....and then when He knows we do, He will pour out his blessings upon us. Shaken down and overflowing. Oh, the love of the Father for His children.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Be not afraid.

I read somewhere that The Bible mentions 365 times, "DO NOT BE AFRAID". That would be one for every day of the year. I know very well, that when trying times come, it is so easy to forget the Lord said that. It's so easy to become overwhelmed with what this world has to offer. We are faced with death, disease, loss of jobs, home foreclosures, fire, famine, car accidents, violence, and about a thousand other things, that mess up OUR plans. We plan for happy marriages, only to have those cut short. We plan our careers, only to lose our job. We plan for large families and are faced with infertility. We plan to watch our children grow, only for the Lord to take them HOME sooner than we planned.

In all that, it is sooo easy to question, what God is doing. We are human, and we don't understand it all. If we did, I believe it would make God smaller in our eyes. But the truth remains through it all...that God is God, and the same through it all. He is the same, in the famine, as He is in the feast. He loves us the same, and watches over us the same. He expects our trust, and more importantly He deserves it.

I need to remember that in the big and the small things, and lately I have struggled there. When we can't get the house we want. When my husband hasn't gotten the promotion he needs, when we can't seem to have more children, when money is short, and cost is high...that it has NOT taken my God by surprise, and He expects me to TRUST, and to NOT be AFRAID, or WORRIED...for my ticket is punched, my destination is set, and the Lord, is at the wheel.